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The first coffee in the morning

Especially during the winter season, it is sometimes very hard to get up in the early morning. It is still dark outside, it is very often very cold outside, it may rain or snow and you will have to put on many clothes to keep yourself warm. More than anything else your only wish is to stay in bed and take another deep and cuddly sleep in your warm bed. Life is cruel in the early morning, and unfortunately you just have to get up and get going.
But help is not as far as you may think. Don't you love the first sip of coffee in the morning? The hot and well-smelling beverage just makes up for getting up in the dark and it helps you getting started a little easier. This is why you should not wait to have your first coffee of the day in your office since it takes you too long until you finally get there. No, you should really make it a ritual to have your first coffee in the morning at home. Make yourself the coffee specialty you prefer, and sometimes this is just an instant coffee made with hot water, refined with milk, and enjoy this hot beverage while getting into the day. Looking out of the window, drinking your coffee and counting the things your looking forward to today or in the near future helps you to get a brighter look at the day. And it helps you to not see only the dark or the rain or snow outside, but also the beautiful facts your life has to offer. And likewise, you will be able to enjoy the morning just a little bit more and you seem to think you can see the sun rising very far away already.
Enjoy your coffee in the morning, and make it an everyday ritual. You will soon experience how this will help you getting started in the morning. Hopefully you will soon be looking forward to get up to have your first coffee of the day meanwhile your taking a little time for yourself. 
Enjoy your day!


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